Our Mission Statement:

Helping our generation experience the love of Jesus.

The love of Jesus changes everything. We are amazed that God loves us just the way we are. His love isn’t earned; it’s received. We love the freedom that comes from living in this truth. So, everything we do is to help our generation know and follow Jesus.

Our Vision Statement:

To exceedingly abundantly love our generation.

The love of Jesus is best when shared. We have found that following Jesus is done best in community. So, we strive to be a safe and loving place for our generation to experience Jesus. We are also passionate about taking the love of Jesus into our community.

Our Values:

Jesus loves us.

Everything we are is because Jesus loves us. Since our worth comes from His love we don’t have to prove ourselves or keep score.

We love Jesus.

Everything we do is because we love Jesus. Since we don’t have to earn God’s love we get to serve and obey because we love Him.

We love each other.

We serve because we love each other. Serving others comes naturally because our hearts are filled with the love of Jesus.

We love our generation.

We do whatever it takes because we love our generation. Helping our generation know and follow Jesus is our top priority.